
13 Audio Reviews

5 w/ Responses

It's really good!

vekoN responds:

thank you!!

nice stuff!

Very transparent mix! Like it!

nice! good mix too!

SleepyOwl responds:

thank's mate!

Similar criticism like for the other track. Here I think the main problem is the reverb which is way too much. There's also a lot stereo in the low end (even below 50 Hz). That makes the low end sounding undefined and blurry. In this track the highs are also missing which makes a muffled sound. So, to improve it I would start with reducing the reverb (especially on the lows), push the high end. Add a high pass filter at e.g. ~30 Hz. Maybe use a mid side EQ to get rid of the stereo in the bass. ...

This main motif that plays during the whole track becomes boring very quickly. I would try to make the arrangement more interesting. Is there a kick? I don't hear one and the low end sounds quite undefined and blurry. You could also use some automation (e.g. on filters, etc. ) to add more movement. As it is now it sounds very static.

With a better mix this could be pretty good! It sounds a bit blurry though and there's some room for improvement imo.

AniiKai responds:

Very true, I didnt really mix these haha, definitely sounds a little muddy for sure.

Nice one!

Very nice, could maybe have more low end. The middle part reminds me a bit of the ambient tracks by NON (e.g. from the Children Of The Black Sun album). I could listen to that loop for 10 min.

vekoN responds:

thanks! i'll have to check that out

This sounds pretty unusual, alien and technoid. The vocoder vocals later in the track are pretty cool too. It's way to loud though ;)

vekoN responds:

loud is my safe space

thanks btw!

I'm making music with trackers (SunVox and Renoise) or using Reaper on Linux (mainly Debian).


Chemist & Musician


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